Since we have a great experience with international trading, we provide our partners successful, effective and efficient export&import activities in the globe with foreign trade consultancy.

We provide solutions for our partners to have effective and efficient policies in international markets and to be successful. We do market researches for companies who want to market their products in foreign markets and we carry out all the import&export process with the customers. We search the most suitable producers for our partners who want to supply products from foreign markets and we provide turn-key solutions by realizing all the import process.

We create effective, efficient and long term export management strategy for the countries, sectors and customers. We develop strategies to improve your relations with existing customers and to find new markets and customers too.

If you want to increase your sales and profitability by taking part in international markets,

If you want to increase the efficiency in your existing export operations and reduce your costs,

If you want to keep your export processes systematic, efficient, fast and result oriented by establishing a professional and institutional structure,

We will be happy to assist you.

Export Consulting Services;

·       Analysing the company and products

·       Setting up your corporate export system

·       Providing you local export staff

·       Determining international marketing strategies

·       Determining target markets

·       Creating introduction strategies

·       Identifying potential customers and having first contact
